
CelebMe: Find Korean celebrity look alike

Artificial intelligence K-POP celebrity test with face

Check the age, gender, and emotions predicted by artificial intelligence,
Find celebrities who look like you!

What celebrity do I resemble? Try Find My Celeb!

Artificial intelligence learned from photo data of representative celebrities will find celebrities that resemble your face.

This service was created using Google's artificial intelligence teachable machine 2.0, and then re-trained and reorganized using Javascript-based Tensorflow.

Artificial intelligence celebrity test based on your face, find a celebrity who looks like you! Artificial intelligence learned from photo data of representative celebrities will find celebrities that resemble your face. Check it out right on the screen without even having to register! Photo data is not transmitted anywhere. Take a test of my celebrity as seen by artificial intelligence! Through the test, you can find celebrities who look like you.

Start finding celebrities who look like you
Start by uploading or tapping
a photo of your face.
your image
Analyzing your face.
If the analysis takes too long in KakaoTalk,
please try opening it in a different browser.
CelebMe: Face Analysis Results
Age, gender, emotion, and race analysis results for faces

CelebMe: Korean Celebrity Lookalike Image
Click on the celebrity name to search for images.
Click on the celebrity name to search for images.
